About This Project

OQQIES is an NFT startup project with a goal. We believe that every individual can make a difference in this world. Once we had an idea for starting an NFT project, we needed to develop a concept. What story could people and companies want to participate in? And how can we reach our potential buyers and resellers? And if we want to create a community out of this, how do we start?

As we all live on a big blue planet where most of the surface is covered with water, it is a great idea to make a difference with all the plastic pollution in our oceans and rivers. 

As with all concepts, start simple and look for things that people can relate to, what emotionally moves them. Once you have this, create an impact on a global scale / crank it up a few notches. It’s not just collecting or selling NFT art, it’s part of a community committed to changing the world.

So, what is the common goal for this project?

One of our kids once had an idea of making stuffed toy squids and selling these to support a project that recovers plastic waste from our oceans. We liked this idea. Why? As we all live on a big blue planet where most of the surface is covered with water, it is a great idea to make a difference with all the plastic pollution in our oceans and rivers. 

After finding more info on the internet about this plastic pollution, it was shocking to see those videos of rivers filled with plastic bottles or underwater films showing more plastic than fish. To stop this, we must not only just clean the oceans and rivers but also educate people to stop using and producing single-use plastics. How can we collect it in a better way to recycle it? How can we make plastic manufacturers aware of alternatives? How can we act individually?

To stop this, we must not only just clean the oceans and rivers but also educate people to stop using and producing single-use plastics

What about these NFTs?

Now you’re probably wondering: what has this to do with me buying your NFTs? Alright. The idea is that with every sale we do with our NFTs, 10% will go directly to a special account. With this account, we will financially support foundations and organizations that help clean up oceans, rivers, and forests. These organizations also educate locals and manufacturers to change their way of doing things. Some create beautiful products from recycled plastic, like clothes, jewelry, tools, etc. Others help locals to participate in recycling projects and cleanup events. 

We are still in the process of achieving this, asking organizations if they want to participate in this idea. Meanwhile, we also need to set up this website, start marketing on social media, and get the first phase of OQQIES live on OpenSea.io.

Also, we want to create specials for our followers and see if we can involve manufacturers and influencers to join the community and create prices/gimmicks and goodies for these NFTs. It’s still partly in our heads, but we have to start somewhere :)

But, we invite you already to join our forces and help to create a sustainable environment for the humans and animals of tomorrow!
