We reached our first 100 followers on Instagram in just one week. Wow! Thank you for following and supporting us on this epic journey. And, thanks to all you people patiently waiting for phase 1 to be launched on OpenSea. We have worked very hard to get this OQQIE show on the road and are in the final stages of the launch. Your patience will be rewarded :)

We love Instagram. It is a great platform to meet other artists and get ideas and sometimes be blown away by people's skill sets. We love meeting you and sharing the same passion as we have for lovely artwork, a good story, fun, and a community feeling.

Please, feel free to share our Instagram link with your friends, co-workers, family, or neighbors. The more people, the more impact we can have on plastic waste in our oceans, rivers, and forests. That’s the idea behind these OQQIES, to make a difference in this beautiful world, oceans, and landscapes by using nice NFTs.
